Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Following Gods Financial Plan

I believe there is a spiritual aspect to everything we do, especially in the way we handle our finances.  Not only in the paying of tithes and offerings, but in the way we handle our debts.  The bible is full of instruction on how to treat your creditor, but also how the creditor is to treat you.  You always hear advertisement directed toward the debtor to make you feel bad about yourself if you are not following the plan God has for you.  They never mention that God also has a plan for the creditor.  The prayer says. "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."  What I want you to understand is yes, as children of God we are suppose to be lenders and not borrowers, but lenders are not suppose to expect more than what they gave, You can find this in Leviticus 25:37.  We all know that is not the nature of how it works now, due to we have to pay interest on top of what we borrowed, unless you can pay during an interest free period.  The bible actually says they should forgive debt if you  are unable to pay back what you borrowed, as found in Matthew 18:27 . 

You must understand that God has given us all instructions to better ourselves and help our sister and brother grow.  As a person that owes another it is okay to ask for forgiveness of your debt, it doesn't make you a bad person or Christian.  It is simple using the prevision God has set for you.  It is however very important that you listen to counsel and stay in your financial field, as found in Proverbs 19:20.    If you are having financial difficulty it is your duty to seek assistance. We must get over the embarrassment of not being in the financial position we hoped we were in and deal with where we are.  I truly believe embarrassment is just a form of pride and we all know pride is one of the deadly sins.  When it comes to finance being prideful, it will must definitely leave you depleted.    I say that because you will not seek help when you are full of pride, even when you know you need the help.  It doesn't matter your level of education or status, if finance is not your area of expertise you just might need help in that area.  

This is one of my favorite verses says: Proverbs 13:7- There is one who pretends to be rich, but has nothing; Another pretends to be poor, but has great wealth.  I selected this one because it is the basis around the saying of trying to live like the Jones', when you really are a Smith. It is okay to be a Smith, live within your financial field or below it.  I am not trying to preach to you I just want you to understand you have the power and the means to change your financial status and get back on track.  I believe it is my duty to share with you what I have learned in order to help you prosper and grow and in return I will learn and grow with you.  Let us know what you think or what you are concerned about.

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